Martyrdom Day of Hazrat Ali (RA) – Mourning Procession from Imam Bargah Talwar Shah Baba

Procession Held in Memory of Hazrat Ali (RA) with Prayers for Pakistan’s Prosperity

The noble character of Hazrat Ali (RA) will always be remembered. His entire life was dedicated to following the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), and during his caliphate, he upheld justice and fairness in all matters.

These thoughts were shared by Punjab’s Provincial Committee on Interfaith Harmony member and President of the Protection of Azadari Imam Hussain (RA) Council Pakistan, Malik Khawar Shafqat Bhutta, along with General Secretary Syed Talib Hussain Parwaz, Dr. Syed Hashim Raza, and Syed Asim Abbas Zaidi. They addressed mourners at the historic Imam Bargah Baba Talwar Shah before the start of the traditional Alam and Zuljanah mourning procession on the martyrdom day of Hazrat Ali (RA).

Many prominent figures, including Syed Hassan Abbas Rizvi, Munir Hussain, Zahoor Hussain, Muhammad Ali, Asim Ali, Fayaz Khan, Asif Khan, Mian Abdul Sattar, Dr. Ghazanfar Abbas, and Syed Imran Hussain Mashhadi, participated in the event.

The procession concluded with a collective prayer led by Syed Talib Hussain Parwaz for the safety, peace, and prosperity of Pakistan.

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