Police File Cases Against Individuals Involved in Murder, Drug Trade, and Extortion

Police take action against criminals involved in various offenses, including drug trafficking, extortion, and murder, with multiple arrests and seizures.

Police Crackdown on Criminals in Multan, Several Cases Filed

Multan (Staff Reporter)

The police in Multan have taken strong action against criminals involved in various illegal activities, including murder, drug trafficking, extortion, and more. A number of cases have been filed, and several criminals have been arrested.

Here are the key actions taken by the police:

  • Drug Trade: Police have registered cases against 12 individuals involved in drug trafficking. Large quantities of alcohol were seized during the raids.

  • Food Act Violation: A person was booked for violating the Food Act.

  • Fraud: Seven people were arrested for issuing fake checks and embezzling funds.

  • Fertilizer Act Violation: One individual was charged for violating the Fertilizer Act.

  • Murder Case: A case was filed against one identified and two unknown suspects in the murder of an 18-year-old in Muzaffarabad.

  • Stolen Motorcycles: Police recovered stolen motorcycles from suspects during interrogation.

  • Illegal Weapons: Two individuals were arrested for possessing illegal weapons.

  • Assault on WAPDA Worker: Three identified and ten unknown suspects were booked for assaulting a WAPDA worker and stealing his meter.

  • Kidnapping: Four individuals were charged with kidnapping.

  • Reckless Driving: A case was registered against a motorcyclist for performing dangerous stunts on the road.

  • Extortion: One person was charged with extorting money from local van drivers.

  • Shooting at Police: Two individuals were booked for firing at a police party and injuring their own teammate.

  • Local Government Act Violation: One individual was charged with violating the Local Government Act.

The police continue their investigation and have started taking further action in all these cases.

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