Fake FIA Officers

Fake FIA Officers in Uniform Steal 60 Lakh Rupees from Civilians in Multan Robbery

Victims Blindfolded, Handcuffed, and Abandoned; Police Launch Investigation

Multan  – In a shocking incident, imposters dressed in Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) uniforms robbed two brothers and their aunt of 60 lakh rupees (6 million PKR) in broad daylight.

Muhammad Waqas reported to Qutubpur Police that he, along with his brother Zain, was driving to deliver the cash to their aunt, Nageena Bibi, for a land transaction. Near Naaq Shah, the group was stopped by individuals posing as FIA officials. The fake officers blindfolded the victims, handcuffed them, and stole the money. The robbers then abandoned the brothers at Labour Chowk in Shujaabad before fleeing.

Police arrived at the scene after receiving the complaint and have initiated an investigation to identify and arrest the suspects. Authorities are urging citizens to remain vigilant and verify the identity of individuals claiming to be law enforcement officers.

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