Karachi Bus Service Extends Hours During Ramadan

Extended timings on key routes aim to ease travel for residents during the holy month.

The Sindh Transport Department has announced that the Peoples Bus Service in Karachi will run longer hours during Ramadan. Starting from the 15th of Ramadan, buses on routes R1, R2, R3, R4, R9, R10, and EV1 will operate late into the night.

Sindh Information and Transport Minister Sharjeel Memon explained that this change is designed to help residents, who rely heavily on public transportation, return home safely after shopping and other evening activities during Ramadan.

This announcement follows last year’s inauguration of a new route from Hawkes Bay to Tower by Sharjeel Inam Memon. The government continues to focus on providing affordable and comfortable travel options, including launching a new air-conditioned route from Mauripur to Tower.

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